Important Qualities to Look for in a Facial Brush

Cleansing Brush - Skincare Devices

By Bonberry Beauty

Important Qualities to Look For in a Facial Brush

Are you tired of applying foundation and seeing a foundation streak on your cheek in the mirror? Or do you look in the mirror after washing your face with your hands and notice you miss spots? Then it’s time you invest in a facial brush!

Having a facial brush to use while washing your face, applying your daily skincare routine, or applying makeup can help you reach more of your face more effectively. It can give you a more finished look and fewer streaks and missed spots.

But not all facial brushes are created equally. So if you’re looking for a gift for your favourite beauty-lover or a better way to improve your skincare routine, consider these facial brushes and the benefits of having one!

Why Should You Care About A Facial Brush?

Whether you have a multi-step skin routine or you’re someone who does the bare minimum to get by each day, you need a good facial cleanser. Your skin is the biggest organ your body has, and it’s the one exposed to the outside world each day. So knowing how important your skin is, you need to take care of it!

Investing in a face wash and exfoliating brush will help show your skin’s natural glow and radiance. Dermatologists recommend a facial brush, washing at least once a day, and even better if you can purchase an electric option!

An electric facial brush will allow you to benefit from higher collagen production, which will improve your skin’s elasticity. The brush will also help your pores get clogged less often. Lastly, your skin cells will replace themselves more quickly, and your skin will feel rejuvenated.

If you start a skincare routine that includes an exfoliating scrub and a facial cleansing brush, you can expect some (if not all) of the following results :

  • Removal of the dead skin on your face
  • Improvement in skin tone
  • Improved circulation and firmer skin
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Softer, healthier skin

Most people would agree that facial scrubbers do just as well as any anti-aging cream. However, utilizing a more natural approach may do great things for your skin!

Different Types of Facial Brushes

There are three main types of facial cleansing brushes on the market today. All three types mentioned below are technically made for all skin types, but you may have to use the trial and error process to find what works best.

Type One: The Sonic Facial Brush

When you hear the word “sonic,” a blue hedgehog may come to mind, but in this case, we mean a brush that uses oscillation (or vibration) to cleanse the face. Pulses from a sonic brush vibrate your skin, so dirt is pushed out of the pores, helping you feel a deep clean without harsh exfoliation.

The majority of electric or motorized facial brushes on the market are considered sonic. Some of these brushes spin in a circle, while others pulse and vibrate continuously.

Type Two: The Static/“Non-Sonic” Face Scrubber

The static or “non-sonic” face scrubber has a stationary head that you move across your face, scrubbing until you feel clean. These brushes have very fine bristles that can scrub your pores clean, but they can also over-exfoliate your face, leaving your skin raw and red.

Type Three: The Silicone Exfoliating Brush

The silicone options are some of the most popular because they are easy to clean. Silicone facial scrubbers can also resist bacteria while lasting longer than the two bristled types mentioned above.

Exfoliating brushes with bristles will typically last from three to five months with daily use, but the silicone options can last much longer! But, of course, it also helps that silicone is waterproof and gentle on your precious skin.

How to Choose the Right Facial Brush for Your Skin Type

When shopping for your face scrubber, you first need to consider the type of bristles or scrubbing mechanism. For example, if you have a fair complexion, you don’t want a facial cleansing brush that is too abrasive or could agitate your skin.

If you have sensitive skin, it’s safe to aim for the silicone exfoliating brush over one with bristles. Silicone is gentle on the face while still leaving you feeling clean. It’s essential to wash away any makeup or residue on your face, but not at the cost of the health of your skin.

If your skin is not easily bothered, find the best brush that fits your budget. You may have to try different brushes until you find the best option for you, but it’s worth it when it comes to your well-being.

Oily skin types should aim to get a brush with a rotating head. A rotating silicone brush would be your best choice, as it would clean your skin and remove the oil without leaving your face raw.

How To Use A Facial Cleansing Brush

The first step to your nightly skincare routine should always be to remove any makeup or residue remaining on your face. You can use makeup removing wipes or micellar water depending on your skin type.

Next, apply your face wash directly to your scrubber. The third step is to start working your face wash into your skin by moving the scrub brush in small, circular motions. Be sure to take your time in places where oil gathers to make sure you get the pores clean!

Rinse off your face with lukewarm water, then pat dry. Don’t rub the towel on your face, or it can irritate your skin and clog your pores. If you have it available, apply your face toner after drying off. There are plenty of different facial toners; look into what would work best for you.

You may think you’re done here, but you’re not! Most importantly, make sure you clean your brush so that bacteria doesn’t build up before the next time you wash your face. If your facial scrubber does not get sanitized, you can be doing more harm to your skin in the long run.

The Top Five Facial Brushes of 2022

So now we’ve discussed the different brush options, how to choose one, and how to use it. Now is the point where you start looking for a face scrubber that is both right for you and highly rated! Below are the top five facial scrubbers, according to Good Housekeeping Magazine.

1. Regenerist Facial Cleansing Brush By Olay

This brush comes with two speeds. You can exfoliate and get a deep clean or slow it down to gently remove the dirt. These cost $15 on Amazon and $34 at Ulta Beauty.

2. Bonberry Silicon Facial Brush

Our Silicone Facial Brush is gentle yet effective. The brush has 4 operating modes that provides vibrating and circular motion to effectively clean your face and apply cleanser evenly. Yes, we might be biased but we believe in its effectiveness!

3. Facial Cleansing Brush By Pixnor

This exfoliating brush comes with interchangeable heads, which are replaceable if they wear out. This electric scrubber is also waterproof, making it a perfect tool for your daily shower routine. 

4. LUNA 2 for Normal Skin By FOREO

The LUNA 2 is the most expensive facial brush on this list. But, the price may be worth it based on the glowing reviews and recommendations by dermatologists. It costs $169, so if you’ve been struggling to find a suitable scrubber for you, this may be the one!

5. Super Soft Silicone Face Cleanser and Massager By Innerneed

These face cleansers paired with an excellent exfoliating scrub would make for a great combination. While these facial scrubbers are the only manual brushes on this list, they are the most cost-effective! 

There are hundreds more scrubber options out there; this is just a glimpse of the types available. Make sure you take the time to start looking into your options and see what works best for your budget and skin type. Every brush is not meant for every face, so you must do your research.

Scrub That Face!

Have you decided it’s time to add a facial brush to your nightly skincare routine? If that’s the case, you will hopefully be more confident in your ability to choose the right tools for you.

If you’re not sure what your skin type is or where to get started, that’s okay! There are plenty of professionals, like those at Bonberry Beauty, who will gladly point you in the right direction.

If you’re ready to invest in yourself, contact Bon Berry Beauty for all of your skin and beauty needs!

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